
Saturday 18 May 2013

What is the Giant in my Life over my Faith in God?

A friend blessed me with a message the other day encouraging me to stay positive. She reminded me about Davids' victory over Goliath. We all have our own Goliaths in life, and it is easy to look at the size of our Goliath and forget about the divine power we hold through our faith in God.

Art Linkletter once asked a boy on his television show, "What is the lesson of David and Goliath?"

"Duck!" said the boy.

Goliath could have used this advice when he fought young David in a story described in First Samuel 17. Better yet, Goliath could have ducked the judgment of God if he had taken advice from Philip, 11: "Never underestimate the power of God or a boy."

Before giants fall by your sling, however, there may be some warm-up battles we need to fight. David was a shepherd and a fighter, He fought animals that came around sheep. He killed a lion and a bear because he loved his sheep. So when King Saul said to David, 'Are you sure?' David said, 'I can beat him,' and he did."

The overall lesson is we should trust God no matter what the circumstance look. David completely trusted his Lord to bring him victory. He defeated the well armored giant with a single shot from a simple sling shot.  

When the enemy laughs at what God’s people are doing, it is usually a sign that God is going to bless His people in a wonderful way. Goliath ridiculed David when the shepherd boy met the giant with only a sling. Jesus was mocked by the soldiers during His trial and while He was hanging on the cross. The heroes of the faith had to endure mocking (Heb. 11:36). But when the enemy rages on earth, God laughs in heaven (Ps. 2:4).

So what is the giant in my life over my faith in God? the truth is: "The battle is the Lord's" (I Samuel 17:47).

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